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Everything posted by Glaswegianblizzard

  1. Been following the model thread quite closely which is unusual for me, and they’re holding up quite well in the main. Seems that although a cooler or cold spell of some description is likely, the exact outcome in terms of temps, snow and length is very much up in the air. A trend Im detecting though is that the models aren’t factoring in the big winter storm in the NE US very well, which may well throw everything the models are saying out of kilter, with regards to the output for ourselves next week. The implication I think is that an as yet un predicted wet and windy scenario could reveal itself. I hope not, as I’m looking forward to some crisp weather, and a period of sub zero temps with ice days is a bit overdue. Last one I can recall was Dec 2010. I’ve always had the impression such spells were a once per decade thing for here - I’m thinking 2010, 2009, 2002(?), 1995, 1987....
  2. I see Yr.no are showing sub zero day time temps for Glasgow on 23rd and 24th......
  3. Aye but you have to remember that most of England hasn’t seen snow since the great freeze of 1630 where people ice skated on the Thames.
  4. Lovely sunset and moonrise seen on the south side of Glasgow tonight. If I can work out how later I’ll post some pics up. Some interesting white flake things in the forecast for later in the week. Can we start to believe?
  5. Just had the craziest deluge of rain here in Glasgow, varying degrees of torrential for about 90 minutes. Never seen anything like it here. It’s just stopped completely, out of nowhere. Incredible.
  6. Radar showing some quite intense rain moving up the Clyde valley just now into central Lanarkshire and towards SE Glasgow. Funny direction for it to come.
  7. I love this dog days of summer idea. I post about it pretty much every year. To me it's when we get this pleasant spell of weather at the end of August into the start of September, when the evenings are noticeably shorter and the sun is lower but you can still get a bit of warmth. It's like summers last lingering message to us. Summer but not summer. That it's almost over kind of feeling. There's a tinge of sadness but yet some joy in the remaining warmth, as well as anticipation of what the autumn will bring. I love sunny autumn days, I hope we get plenty of those.
  8. Sun finally forced its way through in Glasgow. Lovely afternoon, making the most before we seem to get an early taste of autumn this week. Noticed that some leaves are coming down off the trees early too, maybe related to the early summer heat then mid summer rainfall?
  9. Some of the pics, experiences from folk in the east sound incredible. Looks exciting to watch from the safety of your home but not so good for those whose house got struck or if your car was caught up in floods. Most of the rail network is affected by flooding this morning as well, I’d imagine lightning strikes have also played havoc. Cloudy and muggy in Glasgow today, any prospect of a storm for us later?
  10. I tried taking a vid of the lightning but being in the city the street lights crowd it out. Is the lightning actually from the storm itself or is it something else? The last few flashes seemed closer.
  11. Can see a lightning show looking east from the south side of Glasgow, flashes every few seconds. Is that the same storm that’s over Edinburgh?
  12. Was out in the park near here earlier. Nice sunny day but the breeze and temperature, couple with a somewhat subdued atmosphere in the park compared to recently for some reason gave it the feel of early September rather than late July. Only difference being the sun is still relatively high in the sky. September is actually a month that I like - late August and early September are the dog days as I call them. There's a particular feel to them that I can't quite put my finger on, but I like to have some decent summer first.
  13. Would be nice to get a little bit of warmth back. It’s hardly freezing but still pretty cool for mid summer. Been like this for some time now.
  14. Same here in Cathcart. Got a storm here now, louder thunder and some lightning there also. Seems a taste of things to come today by the sounds of it... also got woken by heavy rain at 4:30.
  15. Wow monsoon on the south side here. Cloud seems to be moving NW-SE
  16. Quite the windy squall came through the south side of Glasgow there...
  17. Not really, but I've known it to happen at almost any time of the year on occasion. I recall a particuarly bad wind storm in August around 2011 or 2012? EDIT: Just seen the post above by catchmydrift - he'll know better than me how likely it is.
  18. This chill weather and near constant grey is starting to grate now. Feels baltic for this late in Spring. At least it isn't raining but even that looks like changing soon.
  19. Beautiful clear day today. Could see the Crianlarich hills and Arrochar alps from Linn Park in Glasgow.
  20. I think we could all be doing with some early heat given what is going on.
  21. That's what I was thinking! It may well snow in Glasgow but similar to th snowfall we have had so far, I expect it to melt immediately.
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