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Everything posted by lawrenk

  1. Seriously cold already, minus 3 before 7pm, which is some going for us being this far south. Snow cover still pretty much intact. May be wrong but my memory tells me you need to go back to about Feb 12 for snow on the ground here to have hung around as long.
  2. Yes, seem to be back in that continental air with lower DPs so the dreaded “drip drip” sound has stopped!
  3. Virtually zero melt here today. Amazing the difference it makes to keeping snow on the ground compared to Feb onwards.
  4. Any thoughts on tomorrow evening? I gather there’s a possibility of some light stuff skimming the channel coastal regions?
  5. Fab photo's. There was something slightly magical about walking round and about yesterday evening in a good covering of snow with it hanging off the Christmas decorations people had put up. One lesson learned for me is not to get too despondent when it's got cold and the models don't seem to be showing any sign of the white stuff. Just shows how things can crop up at relatively short notice. No excuses really, as I've been on this forum long enough and it's been drummed into us time after time by the wise heads in here!
  6. Maxed out at about 6 cms here and very happy with that. One of our best falls for a long time. Great to hear many more got in on the action last night.
  7. Get the cold in first they said and then “surprises will pop up”. What a load of b*****ks.
  8. Yeah, it’s not great out there. Just had to drive down to Polegate to pick up my daughter from the train station, as there are no buses and even the A22’s not great, down to one lane in places with a couple of cars and a motorbike abandoned. The side roads, forget it.
  9. Think that’s probably it for us but best snow since, I reckon, 2013 for this neck of woods. Feels like I must have forgotten a better fall between then and now but can’t think of one.
  10. Can well imagine. Lighter snow here now but a good covering and, somewhat unbelievably, this already is on a par with what we got from the BFTE.
  11. Terrific stuff. Only started settling about 20 minutes ago and roads now starting to get covered.
  12. Feel it’s close to that full transition to snow here. Good to hear of reports from Heathfield. It’s amazing how much of a difference just half a dozen miles further inland and a bit of extra height makes. About time I moved there I reckon!
  13. Moderate sleety rain here in Hailsham. What’s your thinking,Nick, for this neck of the woods?
  14. The latest MO update seems to favour, on balance, the cold conditions staying put till pretty much till the end of the month with maybe some battleground scenarios down here and perhaps more especially south west. I’m in two minds about it really. On the one hand, this cold, bright weather is much more preferable to the damp, cloudy murk we’d had before but, for me, the enthusiasm towards cold is largely because of the “pot at the end of the rainbow” in the form of the white stuff at some point. If we go the best part of a month with lots in our favour and nothing to show for it it will be a bit galling!
  15. Very early start this morning (4.30) and were definitely a few sleety snow grains in the air which was a surprise. Possible interest later in the week. A question for those in the know. Is being near the south coast less of an issue when a snow band is moving north to south? Then, much later on, talk of a “slider” but way too early to bank on that.
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