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Everything posted by shuggee

  1. I didn't know the producer of BBC weather was a sheep that owed a favour?
  2. lmao Global Angular (wait a) Moment (I think I'm understanding it) um.... : The latest theory of where the next spell of no is going to come from, which, as with all new theories superceding those preceding it, tends to get more and more complicated.
  3. How about Christmas and New year holidays? Now there's a conspiracy
  4. From Adrian1477: Adrian welcome! However, please press 'Reply' - not 'Report' to post in this forum. The 'Report' button is to report a post to the Moderating Team for breaking rules etc. Ta
  5. It's safely tucked in the archive: http://www.netweather.tv/forum/index.php?showtopic=34242 It could make a re-appearance for some additions now that we have new fangled things to talk about this year...
  6. It's interesting that according to www.climate-uk.com Central Scotland is -0.3ºC and E Scotland at -0.1ºC and that despite 15 air frosts at my locale - it's bloody hard to get decent below average!
  7. Cheers lads and lasses - we're all now fully appraised!
  8. I bet it's a red light and it's not referring to the batteries
  9. Can someone do an update here - there's a few questions regarding the stratospheric temps in the Model Thread and I'm sure members would appreciate it
  10. Aye - fully and completely. Sit with the camera and use the flash, wacth videos - just get them til they operate it no more. Then wait 5 mins and do it again - and again, until zilch power.
  11. Are Edinburgh's measurements at the ariport though Yeti? That's well inland - about 4/5 miles west of the centre. Also - I don't think Edinburgh's city status is in doubt (population 450k) - it's a capital city afterall! I also think the town/city thing is proportionate to the surrounding area of a conurbation. Invernesss is massive compared to the hundreds of square kilometres around it. Whereas, say Huddersfield is small in comparison to the Leeds/West Yorks/Sheffield conurbations.
  12. Have you fully discharged the batteries Chris - and then recharged for say 12 hours in one go - to get them full?
  13. It's a good job Wells (UK's smallest) or others like St David's or Truro aren't in the running if there's so much discussion about city-status - interestingly Inverness was only made a city (along with Wolverhampton, and Brighton & Hove) in the Queen's Jubilee announcement in 2002. Definition here: http://www.ukcities.co.uk/definitions/
  14. Very interesting that Blackdown - sunspotless by 2015?! Cheers
  15. shuggee


    Yeah - can never have enough. I'm just about to go and see my bloke Jeff at Studio XIII here in Edinburgh to get my left sleeve finished. Always want more!
  16. Today's update: From: http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/weather/uk/uk_...st_weather.html
  17. Who's got the forecasting stick these days? Maybe my newly researched theory on the likelihood of cold being directly proportionate to common issues, could be considered this year: 1] bus journey times (cold air is thicker, therefore buses take longer to get to their destinations and have a more frequent propensity to bunch up in 2s and 3s) 2] mobile phone signals (the likelihood of a call not connecting and the user having to re-dial is a symptom of colder, thicker air on the near Continent affecting the birthplace of all Nokia phones) I'm sure there are many more... Research grants are freely available B)
  18. Well, no Yeti. It's been as spot on as other forecasts on here (I'm thinking everyone mis-judged the cold start to December): New Year hasn't happened yet - and with models going out to T+168 (the very edge of reliability) and with last night's 18z being a bit of a horror show in that reliable timeframe, this forecast, as with all forecasts can only be judged after the event. Having said that - it's not looking good
  19. Good shot Calum - perfect high cloud conditions
  20. Warmest night for 6 weeks here - at 11ºC last night. Didn't bother having the heating on - that'll help with the gas bills, and it made a nice change not having to walk like a demented antelope trying to avoid slipping onto one's backside. More please!
  21. It certainly feels like that Andy! But East Mids Airport (probably your closest?) had 8 days >10ºC during November - the last being both the 26th & 27th.
  22. Yes, we got up to 10ºC today - first time in double figures since 26th November. As you can see from my sig below - it's been quite a run of airfrosts in Edinburgh too - 26 in total! And one ice day
  23. Well since that area is mainly land reclaimed from the sea over many centuries (hence dykes, lack of trees/bushes etc.), that's exactly the landscape that ought to be expected?
  24. 2ºC/-1ºC and drizzling here - was a very pleasant walk home from work just now... :lol:
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