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Everything posted by shuggee

  1. Have never really paid attention to these charts - but the UK SST charts and forecast based on the 18z GFS make for an interesting sight: T+0 T+240 That must surely have an affect on the likelihood of colder incursions from the northwest over the coming 10 days?
  2. Yes SFB - the final competition for this year's selection was held last week, and we now have the full set for a 2009 nw.tv calendar - announcements will follow
  3. Good comparison there Tom - very interesting charts. Looking back upstream to the Pacific however, and it's a different ball game this year. I say that without any knowledge of how the PNA etc. would be affected with this year's set-up compared to 2000.
  4. I think that is certainly the case yido. The temp anomaly pre October's cold northerly was positive - and 5 days later negative. At the moment, we're hovering at or just below average and for me, this weekend will only help that anomaly go further negative.
  5. As with October's cold snap, local sea temps will probably take a turn towards a negative anomaly again after the weekend and into next week. I'm wondering if this will have a positive affect on the potential for cooler zonality early on in the winter season, with those back edges of Atlantic systems swinging round to the north west and delivering a more wintry mix into the equation... Up here last year in late December and early January (and for much of the rest of the winter above 350m in Scotland), cooler zonality was prevelant. Even cooler ssts than in 2007 might just tip it a wee bit further beyond marginal at sea level [\thinking out loud].
  6. Is that first photo a bone fide sun pillar?! Never seen one of those - well done for getting up and out WSE!!
  7. Goodness me, tonight's 21:57 Weather on the BBC News Channel included a graphic and explanation of Orographic Rain - currently plaguing Western Scotland. Peter Gibbs did us all proud
  8. Thanks very much to of those of you that participated in the voting for the best three photos for Summer 2008. Here is the result: mac 32 votes Essan (photo1) 25 votes 03jtrickey 18 votes Well done folks B) These photos will now be reproduced in the 2009 nw.tv calendar representing the summer months of June, July & August.
  9. Voting closes today at 21h00 - any more for any more?!
  10. http://www.netweather.tv/forum/index.php?a...st&id=70361
  11. Thank you to everyone that voted in the first elimination round for this seasonal competition. We've whittled it down to the 8 most popular shots now - and it's time to get it down to three. So please vote in the poll above. You have three votes in total. Here are the entries: 03JT OP MAC LM IC GB ES1 ES2
  12. Tsk. I'll do it for ya Andy when we vote at the end of the year
  13. Aye - Drumochter is white-over too Ross
  14. Just a quick heads-up that now we have moved on to having seasonal competitions, up to five photos (it was previously three) in each category can be submitted
  15. Aye - it was a bit too quick perhaps. Will extend voting to 3pm or so tomorrow afternoon, in the hope there's a couple more members wanting to cast a vote
  16. Perhaps a pint of Guinness then WM? Keep them votes rolling in.
  17. Hi simooshy - you did perfectly :lol: Thanks for voting!
  18. Hello all Here is the link to the Gallery for the entries to our Summer Photo Competition: http://www.netweather.tv/forum/index.php?a...q=sc&cat=75 Have a browse through the photos and choose up to five of your favourites. Then post your list into this thread. All the photos are weather-related; we can vote on the non-weather photos later. This elimination round will close on Friday 7th November at 18h00. We will then have a final vote-off starting over the weekend, with the 10 most popular photos to choose three shots for the June/July/August pages of the 2009 nw.tv calendar. So go get a cup of tea, pull up a chair and get voting!! :lol:
  19. Oh I don't know Cookie - Southern Scotland has just had twice the average October rainfall...
  20. Worth noting the effect of the recent colder weather on UK waters:
  21. Great photos - they certainly convey that feeling of climbing in the hills on a cold day
  22. Saw the repeat on V1 at 18.00 - well done Mr Sherman, you're a natural
  23. Sleety mix in a ridiculously heavy shower at 1.45pm yesterday. First of the season
  24. Have never known this to get stuck before: Is it the Credit Crunch?
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