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Weather of Mass Disruption

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Everything posted by Weather of Mass Disruption

  1. I would love to know what happened to Old Met Man as his posts were amazing, super enthusiastic and really helped the likes of me who struggle with the complexity of it all
  2. I was hoping, in my life time to experience a 1947 or 62/63 type of winter, but alas am begining to feel this may never happen! 2010 showed that severe winter spells can still happen in this country. I for one absolutely loved it as it is my favorite type of weather. But, it definitely does appear to be getting harder and harder to get anything remotely wintery, especially for those residing down south in the UK. The synoptics this year have been some of the most amazing I have read in the Mod thread, not that I really understand them, but I do enjoy lurking and reading what experts like Chio, Catacol and many others say. It did seem, for once, like everything was falling into place, or at least that's what the models would have us believe! When experts start to write winters off, then I'll give in, but until then I'll keep persevering, no matter how frustrating it can be. For whats it worth, I think in a world of extremes at some point we'll get an extreme winter, it is just a matter of time. We still have a good chunk of this winter left, so a long and brutal spell of winter is still quite feasible. We are long over due a very cold February, perhaps this could be our year, we'll see...
  3. The worst kind of weather here, cold rain! BBC forecasting rise in temps from next week for two weeks so will probably be Spring like given the temps we have had over the past two weeks! I'm just glad this is my parents area and not mine, hopefully a national lockdown won't prevent me from seeing any flakes this year, as I want (and need) to head back North!
  4. Stunning frost yesterday morning here, looked very seasonal. Slight frost this morning. Still yet to see a flake of snow falling from the sky!
  5. Yep, lovely cold rain here in South Devon, like we haven’t had enough already! I think it will take something pretty special to get snow down and around these parts these days, it’s just not cold enough and hasn’t been at any point this past week or so
  6. I’m visiting my parents down in South Devon and there is not a flake to be seen, just more rain to add to the past weeks deluge! Meanwhile, back home in Stafford where i now live there is a good covering
  7. ITV weather didn't even mention storm Bella earlier, simply saying winds are going to strengthen with temps getting as high as 11 degrees, no warnings of a storm or damaging winds. I’m completely baffled by it all, as the model thread tells a very different story
  8. Just shows you how much a bit of elevation makes all the difference! I'm just outside Uttoxeter, so half an hour away from the Peak District and nothing but cold rain here, really bleak and horrible weather to be honest. Just seen a pic from my friend in West Yorkshire and it looks like they have had plenty as well
  9. Wow, I real feel your pain my friend, that is some seriously bad luck!
  10. Another tragic let down. What a joke of a winter this is turning out to be! I try (really hard) not to get frustrated by such things but what gets my goat, is that you can guarantee if it was rain forecast it would have no problem reaching any of us! Don't get me wrong, this morning was amazing, stunning hoar frost with fog, looked and felt as it should do in winter, but to last just one day, give me a break! Next week looks vile, temps up to around 7 - 8 with rain. What are the chances of the models having that incorrect! I keep hoping the models are going to flip to a more sustained pattern due to the SSW and down welling, but alas, the wait goes on... Time to find the funds for some proper winter holidays, if I can't get snow here, I'm going to go where the snow is!
  11. Sure is! Truthfully, I would be happy to experience only 1 truly great winter in my lifetime I.e. a 47’ or 63’! We have had some amazing winter spells or cold snaps in the past 10 or so years, just nothing that sustained; I still live in hope though... ...it is a shame we are not still in the little iceage as I’m sure it wouldn’t be anywhere near so challenging each year to get a few inches of snow
  12. Today went as expected for me, I just felt it wasn’t going to deliver anything so didn’t build myself up. I’m hopeful for better on Thursday but the way this winter has gone so far wouldn’t be surprised if it’s another damp squid
  13. Err, no doubt! But you and most of us on here will only have about 40 or so left to witness! Not that many really, especially when you consider how bad many of our winters are in good old Blighty!
  14. I love and really admire your input on here Chino, but have to admit I get seriously fed up with the yanks getting all the action every year. Definitely considering a relocation across the pond to Chicago, Wisconsin or anywhere else that has such unbelievable models that do actually verify!
  15. If at altitude yes i agree, I believe for the rest of us it will be vile cold rain! Much like Friday turned out to be...
  16. Yep, looking like a none starter for most, This winter is proving especially hard, models etc. promising so much, but delivering so little...
  17. Must be a quiet news day if Madden is featuring in the Sun... https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/7320236/uk-weather-britain-could-be-hit-by-four-months-of-snow-in-coldest-winter-for-a-decade-after-heatwave/ I'm sure his wild and over the top predictions are getting earlier and earlier!
  18. Been thawing for most of the day here in Nottingham, even been a very fine drizzle in the air. Nice to have had some of the white stuff even if it wasn't quite on the snow levels of March 2013 and December 2010. It has been a fun week thats for sure
  19. There’s no harm in wanting more and I wouldn’t mind if hadn’t been forecast all day. I can guarantee if it was rain forecast it would have have arrived no problem at all, ce la vie
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