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Everything posted by drm

  1. I keep expecting it to turn to sleet or rain but no sign yet will enjoy it while it lasts.
  2. If anything it's intensified to blizzard like conditions lovely to watch still going at 5.25am
  3. Heavy snow since 4.25 in the north east but its bringing in a mild sector of 850 air I can imagine it changing to sleety rain soon especially near the coast.
  4. Heavy snow at the moment in the Aberdeen area but it brings in a mild sector of air with it sadly leaving snow for higher inland areas but sleety rain nearer the coast.
  5. The true polar air is clearly seen from the Faroe Isles to between Orkney and Shetland
  6. It's not so much the wind direction, like yourself I prefer a nne direction, more the fact that the colder air is slow in hitting the mainland, we've actually seen more showers than normal in the city with a North westerly. Fingers crossed the colder air arrives soon.Knowing our luck the colder air will arrive as the shower activity dies off
  7. The colder air is just south of Shetland heading our way, any showers from mid late afternoon will be mostly of sleet/snow rather than the rain sleet we are seeing presently.
  8. Mistake or a huge temperature inversion? 14c in the mountains and - 4c here in Aberdeen.
  9. For Aberdeen I, ll go for a maximum of 4c some sleety showers on a south east wind. A minimum of 3c
  10. A 6am alarm call yet when it snows will happily watch it fall even at 2am.
  11. If your after cold you'd certainly want the low to the north of Scotland 500 miles further south,the weather on the day of the chart would most likely be cold rain
  12. I once drove through Westhill in 2010 there was a good 8inches at the main road in the town then took a nosy up the road to the golf club it was easily double the depth no more than a half mile apart the altitude change would be 100m maybe or less
  13. Depends where they originate,upland areas still have lots of snow to melt yet so it may take a day or two before they reach peak
  14. Much better than the Ellon area for snow probably 2 or 3 c colder in cold spells especially with winds off the North sea,frosts for sure too.
  15. The mild air taking time to reach the north east T 3.3c dp 2c think it will arrive soon and flush away the remaining cold air ,clear to see the cold air in the temp map
  16. Just a tad nippy,I suppose no lake effect snow at this time of year as the lakes themselves will be frozen
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