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Gordon Webb

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Everything posted by Gordon Webb

  1. thankfully it looks just like a surface cut on the top of her head been glued but someone will have wait with here for a few hours to to keep and eye on her and thanks for your concern bet it'll be simple rain by then if it gets this far
  2. was worrying about these showers but my sister has has been hit on the head by a falling cabinet blood everywhere amburlance already there puts in into a bit of perspective really
  3. one thing that pleases me is it's not as hot here as it is in the SE and that goes more so for tomorrow
  4. what is the chance of that stuff in the sw getting here or is it more wales orientated
  5. the rain tha moved up from southamption stilll has some heavy rain in out but it's not as widespread as it was on the coast not sure about thunder activity though and bear in mind when you do get it , it's not exactly hanging around in fact it puts the royal mail to shame
  6. and they'll probably be in your vicinity at that time the rain in the south is due to the cold front goes through next couple hours dry south get stuck in north england afternoon wet north
  7. well the beeb do have the focus on norther nengland northwards this afternoon with the south drying up
  8. yep even the one on the south coast is fairly motoring
  9. the radar echos are less intense on the rain in the south coast
  10. is the rain just off the coast moving north or north eastwards
  11. radar echos look nasty but only there nowhere else it seems in that band of rain
  12. Yeah I stepped out and it felt far fresher than I expected
  13. according to beeb late morning and into the afternoon for most of southern england midlands wales etc
  14. can someone tell me where is the Cold Front at this time
  15. the storm is scraping past me to my west but it's a close shave closer than I'd like
  16. well the beeb does have the heavy downpours in your area by 9am
  17. latest bbc forecast isnt showing much further south this afternoon after this mornings fun and games it's actually showing more for tomorrow afternoon than today but i'll take that with a pinch of salt
  18. thanks for that and the latest radar suggest it is moving north to my west which pleases me no end
  19. christ the fear is overwhelming and that's even though I should miss the worst of this one
  20. I'm not and I appear just on the edge so hopefully wont bit hit head on
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