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Pro Forecaster / Meteorologist
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Everything posted by Sainsbo

  1. Temp hasn't changed in hours here, but I know that when the sky clears it will drop like a stone. -0.7C currently, with -1.6 dew Point. Max high today was 0.8C.
  2. Anyone else worrying that temps for snowfall on Tuesday might be marginal compared to Fidays snowfall?
  3. BBC are forecasting just sleet here Tuesday... I think after seeing these models that may change!
  4. I'm going to guess aound -4C here, just because of the fact that today was 2-3C warmer than anticipated, but I think it may get a lot colder across some of the snow fields. Current temps 0.8C - Didn't quite get an ice day here.
  5. Not a good situation here. All of the slush froze overnight, and now is covered with a few centimiteres of snow. Very very treacherous out there.
  6. Snowing moderately here, and has been for about 2 hours now. Small flakes, but we must have had about half of a centimeter or more so far.
  7. Light snow here in Swindon for the last 45 mins - You can see a light dusting in places that had no snow (under cars from people who've moved them today, ect) and the road that I live down is slowly turning white again. Temp is still -1.3, so I doubt there will be any melting occuring today. Looking forward to the oppertunities thast Tuesdays front may bring!
  8. I really hope this works out for you guys in Devon & Cornwall. You were all so nice about it when we got the white stuff up here, now It's our turn to do the same for you. Melting is slowly stopping here as the temp drops again. Was an ice day here with the max temp being 0.0C. Some nice sized icicles starting to form here, and still a good 3 inches of snow cover. Roads do seem a little more usable today, it looks like the gritters have done a swell job!
  9. Happy Birthday! Have fun with the snow! Temps still below freezing currently. -0.1C
  10. I think 1mm of rain is just under 1cm of snow. If the snow is powdery, less rain needed for 1cm, but if it's very wet, then a lot more is needed for 1cm.
  11. Monday does indeed look very good so far! I think some people may end up having as much as they did yesterday, if not more in some places like Devon and Cornwall.
  12. Obviously not taking it for serious at this stage, but the MetO are forecasting heavy snow for me on Tuesday!
  13. "Apparently the Met Office have issued a red snow warning. If that's anything like what I've heard about yellow snow then I'm staying inside." Jokes aside, with the temperature not even forecast to lift above 1C in the next 3 days, I don't think there will be much thawing before we possibly get some more. We might have some bigger accumulations if this keeps up. Current temp -1.6C
  14. So, it looks at this stage that the low from France may not be too bothersome. But what about the low out to the SW on Monday. Could that pose a threat of further snow?
  15. So sorry to hear about your loss MR. I hope you feel better soon. The weather station in my town doesn't seem to be able to detect how much precip has dallen when It's in the form of snow. 5 inches of snow, and only reading 0.6mm If that's the case, I can't wait for the 5mm of snow predicted here Monday. Love looking at the pictures from eveyrone. It seems most people got some snow atleast
  16. 8 Inches?! We've had about 5 here, and it's still coming down. Can you upload some pics?
  17. After doing some very inacurate measuring in the garden with a ruler, it seems about 4-5 inches has fallen widely, with drifts of about 8 inches or more.
  18. Get your shovels ready, we'll be digging our way out of our homes come Monday! Still -1.4. Can't see any significant melting happening before Monday myself.
  19. Pressure is indeed falling, and fast too! 1.3mb/h at current rates. Currently -1.4, and some small amounts of melting occuring, but not much.
  20. Just got back home from my walk. My school had to be the only secondary school in Swindon open today, and after a 40 minute walk getting there, it was open for a grand total of 20 minutes before we were all booted out and then another 40 minute walk home. I wasn't too happy with that. Nothing around here has been gritted, and roads are impassable. I'd advise you don't travel through or near Swindon unless urgent. Busses are running, but very slow and behind timetable, and I wouldn't be surprised if they stopped running altogether in the next hour or two with a couple of hours of Heavy snow still to come. Stay safe all! Currently about 4-5 Inches of snow here, with drifts in exposed areas of about 10 inches.
  21. Seems that the much heavier stuff is still to come here. About 2cm's here so far, with hopefully much more to come!
  22. Well, there's a good covering here out now, and it only due to get worse!!
  23. Starting to think that this band of sleet and snow over England right now is more of a curse than a good thing. The ground is soaking, and I think the snow tomorrow is going to have a hard time sticking to it unless the temperature stops being so stubborn. 1.2C and rising slowly.
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