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Everything posted by JeffC

  1. Interesting.... It's snowing here at my house and settling, but maybe 100-150 feet below me in the village it's green and looks like sleet... Just seen on Facebook that someone had their journey halted in 3" snow at about 450' asl. Kinda marginal like...
  2. apologies, that link doesn't want to work... https://earth.nullschool.net/#current/wind/isobaric/10hPa/overlay=temp/orthographic=-2.02,95.03,327 should be OK!
  3. PV starting to come under pressure here - starting to take on the dumbbell look as the mother vortex gets split. 09.02.18 1200z.svg
  4. https://earth.nullschool.net/#current/wind/isobaric/10hPa/overlay=temp/orthographic=132.66,107.74,164/loc=142.864,59.003 Taking on an interesting shape now...
  5. but given the speed of the front moving across, it should keep going for an hour or two yet!
  6. We have maybe a thick sprinkling, 1" max but it still snowing, all fine and dainty,not the big thick "I'm a gonna dump a load" that we really want, but hey! Beggars can't be choosers!
  7. aye there was about 3 inches or so our way on 29th Dec, not really meaningful but it mean the bin men couldn't get and the roads were a bit of a disaster area -it was wettish stuff really which is quite slippery. We drove back from Peterhead into it - came back from Grasmere over Red Bank in the snow, was glad I didn't meet anyone coming down the hill!!
  8. works for me! All slotting together nicely really, the AH packing its bags and heading west or SW and plenty of cold to tap into from the East as it does so. What could possibly go wrong? Maybe an unnecessary SSW to set everything up on end, unless - no it couldn't possibly work IN our favour and keep us in the freezer until April could it?
  9. Probably right but then the fffferry little left these days, what with brexit, the overall political situation and everything...
  10. Hope is not a strategy... but then if it's strategy we're after, probably the best one is to not give a flying...forgetmenot about the weather!!
  11. Cheers, if you click on the 10 Hpa it shows that interesting warm patch in the strat but only at that level...
  12. I think I'm sort of dyslexic when it comes to reading some of these charts, but I can decipher it when given a different slant on it - Is this the warmer pool you're looking at Knocker? https://earth.nullschool.net/#current/wind/isobaric/850hPa/overlay=temp/orthographic=146.60,60.53,327/loc=178.122,64.141
  13. This warm patch above N Russia at 10 Hpa - it is ONLY at 10 Hpa, not showing at all at 70 or any of the other heights. If this is a wave induced phenomenon can anyone signpost me to the mechanism for this please? https://earth.nullschool.net/#current/wind/isobaric/10hPa/overlay=temp/orthographic=-3.31,82.00,327/loc=99.662,59.653
  14. There's a patch of warmer temps showing at 10 Hpa over northern russia https://earth.nullschool.net/#current/wind/isobaric/10hPa/overlay=temp/orthographic=19.39,83.72,255/loc=100.872,55.001 Is this the start of something?
  15. Ok, well I accept I'm possibly less geographically challenged than Skem but when you get charts like this at only 168 hrs then maybe there's a bit of hope ...
  16. It was heavy aye, but nowt that unusual, well not for hereabouts anyway!
  17. ~ 90M ASL all level snow measurements, not drifts 24" - Feb 1996 24" - 22/23.03.13 (although on a rescue in the fells on 24th we were wading through and falling into drifts of 5' Plus - thank God for helicopters!) http://conistonmountainrescue.org.uk/index.php/incidents1/incidents/120-levers-hawse 18" - March 2006
  18. Light wet snow at valley level just about settling but nowt to get excited about
  19. Must be courtesy of the Arctic Oscillation? AO...let's go...
  20. yes it does match well, might this be the first showing of some form of warming event, sudden or otherwise?
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