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Everything posted by JeffC

  1. the number of rose hips along the hedgerow up from me verifies more often than Piers Corbyn... Is it just me or are the models struggling to give consistency at almost any time period?
  2. Looks like a lamb...hopefully it's frozen lamb!
  3. Don't tell me you asked for a beast from the east and he offered you a recipe for wild boar goulash?
  4. wow, I thought the whole of the west coast got it on 22nd March like us...
  5. Had to re read that to get the gist, I thought "Christ, 3 tractors, that's some moggy!" It's been a long day!
  6. I'd agree with you there NWS! Everything is fully laden water table wise, and I don't like the look of the rainfall predictions modelled for today.
  7. The rain associated with Storm Desmond was an atmospheric river, as was the 2009 floods...it's a phenomenon I first heard of on here, and is mentioned in a few posts
  8. Don't like the look of that for my patch...looks like one of those atmospheric rivers....again!
  9. Shows up well on this https://earth.nullschool.net/#current/wind/surface/level/overlay=temp/orthographic=25.06,40.92,3000/loc=19.682,38.509
  10. Not seen him, last thing I saw like that in 2013 was 24 " ?
  11. Feel free to have some of our rain, it'll allow my trench foot to improve a bit.
  12. Either way, good to see UKMO starting to suggest slightly stronger HP over Greenland.
  13. Yet just up the road we had showers all day, again completely against the prediction on the telly!
  14. Yes the March 13 was amazing, Hawkshead was similar to Coniston but it was almost like Windermere itself (the Lake) acted like a barrier. I've never experienced drifts like we had in the fells here after that. Caught a few folk out!
  15. Thanks Knocker, one to read when the hours of wage slavery have passed!
  16. Possibly naive question to the more learned members, which area potentially holds more sway? Air will be denser in the troposphere and therefore can that influence the stratosphere more, or because the air is colder in the stratosphere does that knock the troposphere more. I suppose what I'm asking is can a disorganised trop PV knock an organized strat pv out of kilter like a form of SSW, or does the organised strat pv always result in an organised trop pv if they couple up? Ta
  17. There was a major snow event in March 06, because it took us 10 hours to drive home from my wife's late Grandmother's 90 th party. It snowed all the way from Peterhead to the Lake District and iirc there was 14" of level snow at home when it finished. Not as good as either Feb 96 or March 13 where we had 24" of level snow.
  18. OK here's the bit I can't get over, the models are just reacting to stimuli - like electronic amoebae, but the way some folk are reacting it's as if it's the model's fault we get a load of mild rubbish. The models don't make the weather, they reflect the possibilities that may transpire to some degree. They don't write a script for the weather to stick to or not, so if one model says one thing and another says something else, it's not their fault, they're just giving possible outcomes based on previous and current data and programming against what has gone before!
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