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Everything posted by Blazerblue

  1. Don’t think the storms reached this Far East, at least I didn’t hear anything as I snuggled down under my duvet for the first time in weeks, the joy of being able to do that. Blue skies and sun this morning, not even chilly, least not for me, plenty of puddles about, maybe the yellow grass around here might start to return to green soon.
  2. Well of course the rain finally got here, just as I started laying the weed control fabric before the artificial grass. Once I started I wasn’t stopping for the rain. So it’s done, still needs pegging down and cutting in places to fit, but that can wait til tomorrow, if I can move due to now bad back pain. Even though it’s not hot today, still sweating my bits off whilst doing it, although it became hard to tell which was rain and what was sweat! rain on I say, least it’s just wet footprints coming in from the garden, no mud to accompany them
  3. Drizzly rain this morning, was actually nice and cooling for me as I walked the dogs, looks to be some real rain on the radar, not sure it won’t be more drizzle by the time it reaches here though.
  4. Don’t think we even got a drop of rain. However, breeze this morning is most welcome.
  5. Been very hot all day, but in the last hour it’s increasing humid. Radar showing showers over us but it’s not coming anywhere near to ground level. Feeling so sick right now, clinging on dearly to the idea of fresher air that’s supposed to get to us by tomorrow.
  6. Clouds building here and the winds picking up, but the rain creeping up from the south west of us doesn’t look much more than drizzle. Still hoping we get some flashes n thuds later on.
  7. Ohhh let’s hope all that wet stuff over France is heading this way
  8. No frame, but weed control under the grass or the weeds grow through as I discovered on another part already covered in artificial that I had to pull up and start again. It’s relatively flat so haven’t done any sand although I read people do use sand. 30mm artificial grass lays well, then used metal pegs around the edges to hold it down, although it doesn’t really need them, take some breeze to lift large pieces. Bought mine on amazon, cut to size so not much fuss laying it, just heavy in large pieces. It’s clean, green and I’ve even hoovered the part already done when it was covered in hundreds of little leaves was easy to sweep snow off when we had all that back in winter too.
  9. Fine mist over the fields this morning, which has quickly burnt off. Hoping for a cracking storm this evening making way for the fresher air. Lots to do in the garden over the next few days, mainly laying artificial grass to cover what is a weed/mud square, I tried to keep some grass for the dogs business but this heat has killed what little there was, as according to my neighbours the garden has never been used as a garden by previous tenants, when I moved in it was overgrown with ivy which was up the bungalow walls. Having killed and cleared all that, there is just weeds left. I’ve planted all around the borders, now just the muck left to cover. It maybe artificial but it’s green and clean and keeps the mud away from paws, thus saving my carpets.
  10. Roll on Wednesday, already horribly humid and warm here this morning, soaked through just doing the hoovering
  11. To be fair Ben, indeed yesterday was ok, not humid and the breeze was lovely, nor is it humid yet today, but temps rising anything above 25c to me is yuk. I’ve never been a fan of hot weather even when young, and as I get even more old and wrinkly the less I like it. I hope you enjoy it, for those who love the hot weather it’s been a great summer, I’m just a cooler weather person
  12. No breeze this morning, 3 more days of hell, I mean heat, then some much needed relief, sun but cooler and maybe if we’re lucky a smidge of rain.
  13. Loving the breeze this morning, felt like I could get some air in my lungs on the dog walk, hope it stays around.
  14. @Soaring Hawk, I really hope he’s ok, all my neighbours are of the older generation and all are suffering in this heat, I believe it’s reached 30c here today, hoping for cooler days soon. @c00ps, is your air con unit noisy? My son has autism and hates noise, but in this weather it’s something I need to look into, where did you purchase yours?
  15. Did you sleep outside @Ed Stone? Got bitten by horsefly Saturday morning, whole arm swelled up and red hot. Took several days and antihistamines to get it almost back to normal, quite a sizeable chunk it took out of me and a bad reaction. Up to 26 already and some white fluffy clouds appearing.
  16. Feeling lousy this morning. No sleep last night hasn’t helped. The Beeb and meto saying 24c top temp tomorrow for here, but netweather saying much higher! I’m hoping the Beeb n meto are right, with northerly breeze. No recovery here for grass or trees as we didn’t get nearly enough rain over the weekend. Roll on autumn I can’t take much more of this incessant heat.
  17. I really hope it’s a change for the better, I know it’s summer and lots of peeps like the hot weather, but i for one, hate it once it’s past 24c. Love sunshine, but excessive heat is tiring and makes me feel constantly sick. And as for those disgusting lazy dog owners, I hate them too, as a dog owner I don’t see why it’s so difficult to pick it up and bin it rather than as mentioned picking it and leaving it in trees or just leaving it for others to step in. It doesn’t cost much for bags and costs nothing but a few seconds to bin it! Rant over.
  18. Rain incoming, just had a lightening strike close by. Time for my dog to shake uncontrollably.
  19. Loving the rain, plants loving it too, still perfectly warm enough too for my liking, sitting here with patio doors open, watching and listening to the rain
  20. Personally, loving the cool wind, doors and windows open cooling the house down after the oppressive heat. More than happy for summer to stay on the cooler side with the sun shining after weeks of what have been hellish to me. But we all like different things
  21. @chrisbell-nottheweatherman If it persists then obviously see a doctor. Don’t over exert yourself, maybe cool water on a cloth on your forehead too to lower body temp. Overheating to the best of my knowledge won’t leave lasting problems. Drink plenty and take it easy.
  22. Every chance you could, it was horribly humid last night. Drink plenty of water and hopefully you will feel better soon enough. I’ve felt lousy for days, dizzy and short of breath, feel slightly better today as I’m sitting in the breeze and the temps are now better and the humidity has dropped. Hope you feel better soon.
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