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Everything posted by Azazel

  1. I’m hoping we can squeeze a warm day out of Saturday for the FA cup final - a few friends were planning on gathering for a bbq to watch it outside. It will be the first time we’ve seen eachother since lockdown. It looks as though the warm spell has been downgraded to around 40 minutes though so I’m not too hopeful now.
  2. Haha I’m just yanking your chains. I’m hoping for a warm autumn with some late heat and mellow sunshine and of course anything but a wet windy winter - so cold and sunny would be great with some snow in the run up to Christmas please.
  3. Yes. I find you can't really do anything when the weather is below 23 degrees because it's too cold and sleeping becomes difficult.
  4. I like warm weather and despise cold and snow. Anything below 23 degrees is too cold for me.
  5. Hoping for a mild/warm Autumn and a mild, snowless winter to follow.
  6. My thoughts entirely - I’ve only been able to do that a few times this summer (during the hot spell in June) - otherwise I’ve been sat outside before bed wrapped up in a jumper and dressing gown with the hood up because of the keen cool breeze and the house is chilly. The heating came on this morning.
  7. 7 degrees would’ve been approaching ‘hot’ for you though wouldn’t it?
  8. Colder than some winter mornings out there this morning. Grotesque.
  9. Mixed is OK - BUT - is there any sign of any convection or anything at least? It's been so boring here.
  10. 2007 was considered by most of my generation to be basically the worst summer of our lifetimes. I went to Download Festival at Donington castle in June 2007 and it was boiling. We had a cracking storm in July 2007. I don’t remember too much else apart from the rain obviously and Rihanna being at number one with umbrella. This summer, we’ve had the same short hot spell but no storms here - so it’s currently shaping up as worse than 2007 IMBY or at least very close.
  11. Yes with a likely Covid resurgence on the horizon I was hoping to get as much natural vitamin D as I could this summer. Thank Goodness I purchased a supply to take daily. Never had to do that before in the summer months.
  12. I think I’ve been able to sit outside comfortably in the evening in just a t-shirt 3 times this summer. It’s been too cold or wet otherwise. Appalling.
  13. Yes i've noticed some reds and oranges starting to appear in some foliage and also plenty of fruit emerging on bushes and trees.
  14. One of my favourite things to do in summer is sit outside in the evening before bed and do some reading, but it’s been too cold this summer.
  15. I wasn’t referring to you personally, but there are unfortunately a contingent of posters who do just that. Why? I’m not really sure to be honest. Honestly though do you think anyone really thinks the UK is supposed to be a hot and sunny country like Spain? I think even the most die-hard heat seeker knows we have a climate which is nothing like Spain. If the weather was at least average during the day (21ish degrees) dry, bright and useable, then you would be correct in saying we don’t really have much to moan about - but at the moment we’re scraping high teens down south and in the NW they’re just about scraping double digits. Its the equivalent of that ghastly December 2016? Period when it was like 18 degrees just before Christmas.
  16. Winter 12/13 saw a lot of falling and laying snow here. I distinctly remember playing football in the snow and ‘skating’ to the takeaway to pick up an Indian. Infact I also remember being sent home from work a few times because of the snow.
  17. Blah blah blah it’s exactly the same for those seeking warmth in summer as it is for those seeking cold in winter - the difference seems to be, the heat lovers don’t spend the entire winter telling the coldies to suck it up, enjoy what they get and revel in their disappointment. This summer has been utter garbo so far. A 3 day hot spell and then mainly suppressed autumnal greyness and rain for the rest of it. Aside from the brief thundery showers early in June, there’s been no convection either. Just dross here. Just went out for a walk - the sun is out for once but the keen northerly breeze makes it feel like an early March afternoon. I’ve got a hoodie, sweatshirt and a longsleeve on. If this is what we can expect for the rest of July/August then this will absolutely go down as the worst summer I can remember. Awful.
  18. I just hope we have some kind of Indian summer because we’re going to need it going into the winter.
  19. Some oranges definitely starting to appear on some of the foliage when out walking earlier - and not the citrus kind!
  20. I’m about to take the dog out and I can’t believe I’m doing this but I’m wearing my bobble hat.
  21. Because of the complete lack of sun and very suppressed temperatures since our heatwave broke last Friday, the house has cooled to autumn/winter levels. The heating is on and the slippers are back out. Unheard of in July for me.
  22. If we make it to mid month and things still look dire, this could go down as the worst summer I’ve ever experienced. Even 2007 had a plume event in July with a cracking thunderstorm.
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