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dancing daisy

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Everything posted by dancing daisy

  1. I didn't think I would see you guys 'til next winter but it snowed here today. Not for long, but it was proper big snowflakes. It was nice to see and I said a proper goodbye and a thank you to the weather gods. Don't get me wrong, this isn't a negative post, I have had my snow and as far as I am concerned, bring on the spring! Nothing nicer than light evenings, getting the fire going outside for warmth and a cheeky glass of wine as the nights draw out.
  2. Just walked to the shops and took my life in my hands, deep slushy, slippy snow and my year 11's armed with snowballs screeching Miss!!!!! as they chased me up the road. Little sods We keep getting great big snowflakes, then nothing, then sleet, then back to big fat snowflakes....if this freezes tonight it is going to be terrible, so part of me is wishing for rain to clear it.
  3. Anyway, still snowing here, quite heavily at times. We did have quite a bit of melting through the night, but the snow we have had most of the morning is topping things up nicely. METo has this forecast for us until 9pm tonight. Yikes! Not looking forward to all of this melting and then rain, we have had more than enough of water thank you very much.
  4. I know, but if you then click on the link it is a warning for snow, Ice tomorrow and rain on Friday & Sunday, so no need to worry yet.
  5. I think it's a typo. If you click on link it is a warning for snow.
  6. I just want to take this opportunity to thank the clever & knowledgeable posters on here, big shout out in particular to AWD, amongst many others. Without your input I wouldn't be able to go into work at some point this week and laugh in the face of the staffroom big mouth who spent their whole day belittling my snow forecast, telling me I was talking out of my a**e and shouting over the top of me at every opportunity. Apparently we were in a rain only area, no chance of snow and I am a big prat who knows nothing. In your face staffroom big mouth and 6cm + proves me more than right! Unfortunately I can't give any of you the praise that you deserve, it was all down to my chart reading after all!
  7. My daughter and my neighbours son went out earlier with shovels and cleaned the snow from the oldies paths and doors. Unfortunately we have had another 3cm since then
  8. Awww mate I'm sorry But selfishly, is it going to hit my neck of the woods?
  9. I'm here. Albeit in between snowman building, a mass snowball fight with the neighbours whilst the kids are in bed and copious amounts of Irish coffee. I live in a great street! Unfortunately all of the adults have spoilt all of the fresh snow that the kids would have wanted to play in tomorrow. We do appear to be in a sweet spot, 5cm has fallen and we still have more coming out of the sky. It has been a strange mix though of sleety mix and then heavy snowfall, so we have a thaw going on but it appears to have made little difference.
  10. It has rained all day here, more or less, sleet for a couple of hours and the whole things left massive puddles and a very wet ground. Been snowing here now for about 2 1/2 hours, probably got a good couple of centimetres of lying, settled snow and it is still bucketing down. Initially the snow was very slushy, but now (and i quote my young neighbour) "This is the best snow I have ever seen!" So don't be to disheartened if snow has only just started, it will settle.
  11. We had some with rain, but it was pathetic wet stuff lol I want loadssssssssssssssssss of big flakes Please . Daisys daughter btw haha Naughty mum leaving your account open all of the time
  12. I am really confused, went to bed with a -3c temp and it is now 2.2c outside, dark & rainy. But the weather is showing a large amount of snow for me with a temp of 3c later.
  13. Went to bed at 1am, really heavy frost everywhere and it looked like an inch of frost on my car windscreen. I have woken up to nada, it is positively balmy and the majority of our snow has gone. What is going on? I can see this being a rain only event for us now.
  14. Every time I refresh the radar the PPN changes. I am in utter confusion, I have no idea where it's heading or what's happening. Glad no one was hurt in the lightening strike. I have a friend your way and she is terrified of thunder and is freaking right out, she said she has never known thunder like it.
  15. It's all breaking up. I had bought in supplies for a cheeky fry up in the morning before going out to play as well. Looks like porridge and work for me now.
  16. Only just learnt how to use the bleedin thing to get on here & FB lol Well I'm up now so this had better be good!
  17. Ian's tweet did make me laugh. Poor sod. It must be v.frustrating for him. I am in bed, is it worth getting up and going downstairs to look at the radar?
  18. There seems to be a lot of ppn building on the radar or am I seeing things?
  19. Are they really? Cause I'm not seeing it, although I am a total novice
  20. We're all very quiet after Ian's forecast aren't we. I guess all we can do is radar watch and look out of the window.
  21. Same here. It's great when you see someone who has a vocation and who isn't just doing it for the money. Ian is always spot on, I think that he knows how invaluable a correct forecast is to people, not us lot, we just want to go out and play But for the elderly, disabled, health workers, drivers etc etc etc
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