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Team Jo

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Everything posted by Team Jo

  1. oooh, I'm looking forward to some virtual chasing, watching the stream etc. Early Weekend outlook looks very promising! I am super envious. http://www.spc.noaa.gov/products/exper/day4-8/ (Make sure you get the beers in before you end up in Kansas on Sunday.........!)
  2. I'm going for Hamilton, although started to dither and now considering mineral wells. Abeline is a good shout for the early stuff looking at the most recent MD.
  3. Tornado watch for the panhandles.... http://www.spc.noaa.gov/products/watch/ww0059.html
  4. There were some big stones that fell just as we had stopped to take pictures and then we had to get back in the car, I remember one whizzing down like a small meteorite and someone got hit on the leg?. And yep, then we hid under a garage canopy - I've got some video of Tyler, Stuart and I outside the car being silly and putting hailstones down each other's backs. Hail is sharp edged people. Don't do it.
  5. You'll usually have plenty of warning before the big hail - you can normally hear it coming, and you'll be under a gas station canopy/funeral home drive in/ other shelter usually as it tends to wreck cars!
  6. Can't get away from it, Climax is my #1 - she was a beaut and I have about 5000 pictures from that afternoon! #2 Ballinger - first supercell I ever saw, so has a special place! #3 Scotsbluff - one mothership lining up behind another, a total pancake fest! - was also the final chase day so was good to go out with a bang!
  7. YY to a warm hoodie, I took a waterproof last year as well, because I'm a tart, but if you get wet and then stand in a cold outflow it's a bit nippy. Toiletries are disgustingly cheap, as are first aid kit type things, you can buy enormous tubs of ibuprofen, antihistamines, etc in wallies for a fraction of the UK price. If you like a beer, I'd recommend taking/picking up a bottle opener, Although Aaron can do a nifty little trick with his belt. You can also get lens/screen wipes in the wallies in Irving, which are very handy for getting rain/dust/fingerprints off camera gear, iPad/iPhone. Also fake beards ala duck dynasty. Which are totally excellent...
  8. Not an air show per se, but I know have a few members up in Lincs - looks like Donna Nook will be very active over the next couple of days, a number of A-10s from Germany are over into Lakenheath and then running up to the range for exercises. Could be a corking opportunity for pictures (and loud cannons if you like those....)
  9. There's some pretty hefty tops out the office window this afternoon, very bubbly... Whether we'll see any snow this far into the city, I'd be very surprised.
  10. I personally really am not getting worried about the current 10+ day outlook - I think if you'd have told those in here three days ago., let alone 10 days ago that we'd be having a regional snow event of some description this week, you'd have been in the (rampy) minority). It looks cold well into next week, and I think we will see a few more opportunities for snow before the week is out.
  11. Snowing here now too - we had snow 11pm, then again about 2-3-am, rain at 5am and then this at 6am... Still going now..
  12. Woke up about 5.30 to wet sleety stuff and now we are back to big chunky flakes
  13. I can't believe some are writing off the 'cool spell' after one sleet shower. Yeesh. Lots of potential coming up in the next couple of hours, let alone days..!
  14. Yep, sleety goodness here @ Chancery Lane. - Was 6c at 2pm, now reading 4c. so quite the drop. Better half is in Lowestoft at the moment - any reports from that part of the world?
  15. I think we're in a very fortunate position with cold progged for the reliable timeframe. Today isn't the only chance we have of seeing snow in the region, so I honestly can't fathom the despair. Looking at the bigger picture, I think we have a good shout post weekend too, so I'm not going to get hung up on only seeing a few bits of snizzle if it doesn't deliver. Also worth remembering that it might not be a bad thing that the precip isn't anywhere near us yet, given that most local temps are above what we'd need for snow. Give it some time and let them drop towards evening! Just as an aside, We had about an hour of big fat flakes, foretasted, last Thursday morning. I'd recommend radar watching!
  16. Bad times... http://www.f16demoteam.nl/pages/posts/no-f-16-demo-team-displays-in-2015-108.php Stitch and the team have been a highlight over the last few UK shows.
  17. Big fat flakes in Hutton this morning, looked like it was settling.. Had to go to work
  18. Based on the last week of charts I don't think any of the outputs have been especially consistent, on the whole. and that's why we're in a bit of a pickle over the will it/won't it. That aside, if this is what you're seeing, please post or at least reference the charts that illustrate. - one liners are best placed in the banter thread..... Thanks!
  19. I feel like a stuck record, but please hit report if you feel a post doesn't belong in here or isn't appropriate. Please don't reply to said post commenting about how you feel it's inappropriate, like I said this morning, we are a small team and this creates loads more work.... So.. Report if you don't like it! we will get to deal with it faster.
  20. Folks, if you don't feel a post belongs in here. Please just hit the report button, rather than creating your own post that also doesn't belong here, thus creating double the work.......we will pick it up! There are 500- odd of you and only a hand ful of us, so it would be wonderful if you could take heed! The path to true cold did never run smooth...
  21. Afternoon folks, and another tantalising set of charts rolling out at the moment... Just to refresh you all, there is a dedicated thread for your concerns, reverse psychology, gut feeling, not seeing, general disappointment which is here.. https://forum.netweather.tv/topic/81281-model-banter-moans-and-ramps-autumnwinter-201415/ Please bear in mind that there are nearl 1000 people online this afternoon, so if you're going to proclaim that the cold spell is over/Bexleyheath will be entrenched in snow, can you please illustrate your rationale so we can encourage balanced discussion? As mentioned earlier, we also have a cold discussion thread for general musings here - https://forum.netweather.tv/topic/82292-upcoming-cold-spell-discussion/ and the regionals here. https://forum.netweather.tv/forum/142-regional-discussions/ Thanks all!
  22. Morning everyone! Just a reminder that we have a selection of Regional threads that have some great discussion going on specific to your area, so please consider if your post would be more valuable there https://forum.netweather.tv/forum/142-regional-discussions/
  23. hmm. I don't know, I'm not a million miles away from you Jo and I'm optimistic for a few flakes in the early hours!
  24. Sun is out in Central London..... finally! It's been like the middle of the night all morning
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