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Everything posted by ciel

  1. Foggy mornings, warm days and chilly nights in the Aveyron at the mo.
  2. This little lizard popped out of the bath plug-hole this morning. It was safely captured and released.
  3. It's bloody freezin' here in France, too. At least I'm not missing any fine autumnal Scottish weather.
  4. ciel


    From the album: ciel's pics

  5. Any luck, frogesque? I was sky watching between 1am - 2.30am or thereabouts, patchy cloud but no show except for ( maybe) a greenish glow to the north of my home location. The moonshine is still quite bright.
  6. Young tagged hen harrier goes missing in 'suspicious' circumstances I hope that this is a tracking malfunction, but somehow I doubt it given the timing. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-north-east-orkney-shetland-41107663 Coincidently, I attempted a walk on the Mar Estate earlier this week. The midges were out in droves and I had to retreat as they were plaguing the dog relentlessly. Dee Valley towards the Linn of Dee
  7. My dog was visiting the grooming person for a haircut this morning and I asked her about boarding kennels. She recommended the Happas Canine Centre. Her words "they're great with dogs" http://www.happascaninecentre.co.uk Happas is close to the A90, north of Dundee, about a 10 min drive from the Dundee bypass.
  8. Nettles for one. Certainly some nettles still in flower at my location.
  9. Is the app generally available? Not unable to read the full article. Pancreatic cancer is awful. I attended a nursing reunion in a September a couple of years ago. One of my former colleagues, married to a GP, appeared fine at the time. I then received an email from one of her children the following March advising that she had died of this disease very shortly after the diagnosis.
  10. Great news to read about the red squirrel stronghold. Nice pic too. Did that area have a captive breeding and re-introduction programme?
  11. I thought at first sight that it's an adult as it appears to have developed the red thing on its forehead ( I can't remember the anatomical name for this feature ). But the feathers on its back are brownish so maybe not quite transitioned into adult plumage?
  12. I just use sunflower hearts and niger seeds, for that very reason. I don't actually feed the birds during the summer - there are plenty of weed seeds in the garden to satisfy their appetites.
  13. Ditto, Polar and knocker. In recent days there seems to have been a mass emergence of Peacocks in particular. The migrant Painted Ladies are still less numerous, though.
  14. Overgrown churchyards are tranquil, poignant places, with the bonus of attracting wildlife - a good place for a spot of reflection on the human condition.
  15. ciel

    Winter Sunset

    From the album: ciel's pics

    Loch of Clunie, Perthshire
  16. I think? it might be a young moorhen - a few weeks older than the chicks in your recent photos.
  17. It is amazing that such a fragile little creature can survive such a journey.
  18. Newly fledged. This one keen to fly free. While his sibs are happy to nestle in the rafters.
  19. “Climate change is a double-edged sword but it’s an exciting time to be in the Scottish borders,” said Paul Kirkland of Butterfly Conservation Scotland. “It’s not just butterflies but moths and dragonflies are moving north quite quickly.” More than a quarter of Britain’s 59 butterfly species are spreading north, with insects such as the comma moving about six miles each year. In recent years, butterflies that were once only found in southern Britain have crossed the border in Scotland, including the comma and the small and Essex skippers. Within Scotland, species such as the ringlet, orange tip and peacock have moved rapidly north and into the Highlands. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2017/aug/17/rare-butterfly-white-letter-hairstreak-spotted-in-scotland-for-the-first-time-since-1884 and http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p05cg2nx
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