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Everything posted by markyo

  1. No it doesn't! it suppresses it! Allergy risks are far higher in summer due to the increase in floral activity and assassinated wildlife. What allergies are increased by due?
  2. I "get it",But haven't you retired now? Why hate it now? Its one of natures most beautiful gifts.
  3. How can hate dew? Its one of the most important parts of a eco system! And one of the most beautiful!
  4. What a beautiful morning,9c,fresh feel,bit of sun glistening of the due,perfect,love it
  5. I agree totally but in moderation,no need to tan(burn your skin) though to gain the health benefits.
  6. Interesting view,higher drug abuse is down to Winter weather......And why a tanned complexion is better is purely down to vanity. Most who work in hot environments avoid exposing their skin to the sun and avoid the hottest parts of the day. Also Tan or not when you are sick you look sick,having a burnt skin makes no difference.
  7. SAD occurs in the Summer as well don't forget. Also a tan is skin in a burnt condition,the level just varies,may look good to some but not healthy,that is just a myth. The tan is just a by product of being outside in fresh air,active,that's healthy,the tan is not. Pale does not mean unwell,far from it. Not sure where your getting your info from..
  8. Like you i've really suffered this summer,come mid September my meds should be able to change,for me October can't come quick enough. Feeling so much better already,it's like a weight slowly being lifted off my shoulders,sleep,anxiety everything is slowly improving.
  9. So much better than yesterday,18c,lovely fresh breeze,humidity low...something missing though...oh yes sweating and headaches! Wonderful summers day at last!
  10. You are very very lucky then!! Nothing to moan about at all.....it didn't rain all day every day or even close to that did it to be honest,even you must admit that!
  11. I suspect that was down to how hot and dry it was!! Picking holes in this Summer is interesting,we've not had this for over a decade yet some still try and find fault with it.
  12. Awful day today,warm and humid,vile. Thankfully rest of the week looks much better,nice and fresh with a good breeze
  13. Those fantastic nights in in front of the fire are just around the corner,can't wait!
  14. I can't take them due to other medication, As for Autumn,yep i agree,Autumn starts in October,September to me is late summer in the UK. The best part of summer for me!
  15. Its more the overall feel as well as the smells,the first autumn bonfires,the rustling of the fallen leaves,the quietness brought on by a dense fog,opening the front door to a crisp cold morning.. Each to their own i agree,but for me the scents of spring and summer just mean hay fever,hence my dislike.
  16. If that could be bottled i would buy it... One of the best fragrances around,love it. I can actually smell nature without sneezing through runny eyes!
  17. There's as much chance of snow then as that coming true i suspect,the usual GFS rubbish,only fit for the bin.
  18. Its the same in Winter,they produce figures both temp and precipitation which are massively wide of the mark.To many jump on them and expect something special/awful,very rarely are they right.
  19. See what i mean regarding those GFS charts? Nothing like what is now forecast.
  20. Lovely 18c this morning,good breeze shifting that vile humidity,bit of cloud,perfect summers morning.
  21. After the summer we have had so far its fantastic to be back into a normal UK summer,such a relief! Today has been to cloudy granted but next week looks fine,no complaints at all. At least that vile heat has gone for good by the looks of the model outputs. Not a moment to soon.
  22. You must have been one of those unlucky areas,most had a fantastic Saturday,near perfect Summers weather!
  23. To be honest yesterday was the perfect summers day for most areas,nothing to moan about at all regardless of preference. Today,different kettle of fish,damp,humid,not really nice at all. Next week looking fine,good for most activities. Can't complain at all
  24. Yes....a rare day indeed!! Next week is looking much the same after Sunday/Monday. One or two showers maybe. Who knows we may agree again about the weather!.....i need to lie down,can't take all this agreement. Nothing at all against this this type of weather in August,for me very nice,the word usable springs to mind.
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