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Fiona Robertson

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Everything posted by Fiona Robertson

  1. That's fair enough... but I said nothing about a red. I asked why Wales didn't get an amber. I agree that red needs to be kept for something very special.
  2. The problem is that most will look at the colour and not the overall message. They see the colour as indicating the probability and the strength of the system. I'm still coming across people who haven't even heard that this is on the way!
  3. But coastal Wales is getting the same as N Ireland and they're on an amber.
  4. The centre isn't, but some of the strongest winds seem to be.
  5. Thank you!!! Got it open right now so I don't lose it.
  6. Do you have a webcam?? Can you manage to stream live on the Tube of You?
  7. I'm ignoring superlatives and going with "WT actual F?"
  8. Now, that's what I've been thinking for days. Their warning cones have been much more informative than anything from the Met Office. Shame there's no chance of a recon flight, data would be interesting.
  9. I've been wondering about that. The latest GFS shows the strongest winds barreling up the Irish Sea and over Wales, just as bad as the ROI. ROI is on a red. Personally I'd rather be "over-warned" than "under-warned".
  10. Looking a bit worse for me. The centre seems to pass over Oban and Fort William, about 100 miles NW of me, but the strongest gusts seem to be SE of the centre and hitting Dumfries and Galloway. Oh well... I can nail down the horses and staple the cats to 'em.
  11. That's so true, sorry about that. I have to say that I'm so pleased that the NHC has continued tracking this dratted thing. The warning cones they've produced have been really useful to me. As someone else mentioned, it's not every day that you have an NHC warning cone slap bang over your house in Scotland!
  12. Just a wee aside. Has anyone noticed the winds for next Friday on the GFS?
  13. Looks like Tuesday is gonna be the worst day for me unless Ophelia tracks a little further east. I'm just outside the Monday warning area.
  14. "Mull of Kintyre, Ophelia rolls in from the sea My desire is not to get blown away Oh, Mull of Kintyre" (Sung in a voice like a donkey being chainsawed)
  15. So the 120 has it just off the tip of the Mull of Kintyre... and then is disappears... Clydebank and the Glasgow area could get hammered.
  16. Is it just me or does it track from SW Ireland to just off Dumfries and Galloway and then disappear for 2 frames, only to then reappear between northern Scotland and Norway?
  17. Just a hint to anyone with the equipment and in the right place. Set up your web cam and stream it live on the Tube of You! There's a fascination with watching powerful weather, wee subtle changes, watching the winds pick up etc. If anyone can manage this, please do!
  18. So get organising the others, make tentative plans, load up the boot with Guinness... and GO! GO! GO! Ireland seems a safe bet.
  19. See??? You want to go, it's possibly a once in a lifetime chance, you'll regret it all your days if you don't go, you might never get another chance, this is special, this is epic, this is amazing!!! Am I helping?
  20. Oh for goodness sake!!! You know you wanna go, you know the cost is low, you'll have a brilliant time and you'll come back with amazing video! Just go!! Why don't the whole bunch of you go? Someone must have a big tent. Um... maybe a tent isn't a good idea, they magically transmogrify into kites in high winds. Anyway, think of the craik, think of the Guinness, think of the party...
  21. Erm... I have a Kia Picanto...um... can't get it into garden. Can barely fit a cat in that, let alone use it to shield me stables. Dratted thing is looking more organised.
  22. Thanks peeps. I feel a bit less worried. I'm gonna spend the next few days on a good tidy-up and redigging my wee drains around the stables. Anything that might blow away is getting moved into a shed... which might blow away. I'll prep for normal gale and keep me fingers crossed.
  23. Thanks for that. It helps a lot. Next question - what's the worst case scenario for the central belt of Scotland. I hate to put you on the spot like this, but I need to be prepared. My horses are stabled in a field shelter in the garden with 10" bolts going into the soil, not a concrete base. Half doors face west, east wall has wind slats. The whole thing is situated to east of house, so well protected from west by gable end, but where we're situated we're completely exposed to westerly winds. I'm not asking for a forecast per se, just what the worst case scenario may be so I can prepare for that. If it doesn't happen, that's great. From past experience I can tell you that the worst thing in the world is being awoken at 3 am by two horses shouting and snorting in their stables just under my bedroom window as the wind howls and having to dash out to nail them down. IIRC, I spent the rest of that night dozing in one of the stables in my PJs to keep them calm. I got pooped on twice and widdled on once. Should I break out the sleeping bag just in case?
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