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Everything posted by A.J

  1. TBH Tony, those showers are fizzling out as they make inroads inland, you'd need elevation and plenty of evap cooling to bring the snow level down....rain, I'm afraid me thinks
  2. A solid post Mark, and to be frank members need to take heed of the highlighted quote before getting to carried away and jumping on the ramp express for synoptics that may or may not happen. Trends, as the more learned have posted on, are becoming cryptically apparent, but that is all they are currently
  3. I wonder if Yamkin is up in the Cotswolds?....I'd be expecting reports of 3 foot of snow....lol
  4. that's pushing it a bit, especially in Gloucester (which is at low elevation)...6cm's quite definitely up on the hills, but 6 inches? Just to add, the BBC website are quoting reports of up to 6 inches, so maybe it's true, but you know what people are like for exaggerating snowfall amounts!
  5. pretty much done and dusted here now, as the system spirals away to the east... A nice way to start a sunday, huge snowflakes at one time....a thin covering of snow eventually, which is now thawing rapidly...All in all, a cracking start to the winter season!
  6. lol...this system isn't giving up without a fight....it's snowing again!
  7. It's been snowing heavily here!......Oh wait, I've moved, now darn sarf.... (not rubbing it in at all.... ) lol
  8. Starting to turn back to rain/sleet with mixed in snow....enough snow to leave a covering but a thaw now in progress....Fantastic stuff though whilst it lasted!
  9. Heavy snow following heavy rain around dawn....Temp 1.7C,,,winds, blustery earlier, no calm
  10. heavy snow here now, and despite the earlier heavy rain, it's settling on all surfaces...will post up piccies/video later
  11. light snow here currently, in between bands of ppn....The next band is pushing eastwards (sleet/snow in Chippenham) so should be here shortly
  12. Just been outside for a smoke and can report something very strange...........The rain is transforming into this sort of white flakey stuff
  13. really?....good stuff!.....We've steady sleety rain here at Lyneham. A heavier batch is moving up from Salisbury Plain now, so hopefully might see a few flakes as evap cooling brings the snow level down...here's hoping!
  14. keeping my fingers crossed for tomorrow morning. I'm driving up to Warwick first thing on a customer run, I'll be driving up the Fosse Way so hopefully will see some white stuff over the Cotswolds
  15. I have but one word ....."Bugger!"......lol........thanks for the update though Ian
  16. Yes, some possibilities for wintry ppn on Sunday, the model outputs are in disagreement currently, but worth keeping an eye on...From an IMBY perspective, I've some elevation (150m asl) so it's certainly piqued my interest
  17. looks like the shower cores will pass a few miles to my south as they blow through, but will keep my eye out for any flashes
  18. strewth, that was one potent squall!......torrential horizontal rain with a howling wind....not too shabby!
  19. Temporarily back in the west midlands tomorrow to sort out a few things and blimey looking at the hi-res, I've picked the worst day for it, with a period of very heavy rain sweeping through the region from the NW!
  20. sorry, it's not close to becoming a hypercane...far from it...A hypthetical 'Hypercane' by definition has a central pressure of 500mb, with wind speeds approaching the speed of sound, and would be around 30-50 miles in diameter....This type of storm, if indeed it's ever occurred during the history of Earth could only be caused by a 2 things, firstly a major under sea volcanic eruption, or secondly a large asteroid or comet oceanic impact as the body of ocean in the vicinity of the catastrophe would have to be heated to 80C for the hypercane to form
  21. A bit better today, actually seen a few glimpses of sun!!.....tomorrow looks much better
  22. An overcast drizzly day with more persistent steady rain around mid afternoon.....the word 'pants' sums it up quite nicely!
  23. I might have moved, but you're not getting rid of me....I'll be in here all winter, monitoring every post, every utterance, the 'finger of doom' poised above the 'delete' button ready to banish into cyber-oblivion anything that does meet my lofty criteria...MWHAA, HA HA HA HA!!!!
  24. A dull overcast drizzly start to the day, at least we've escaped the thick fog forecasted. I must admit, whist the mild weather is easy on the central heating, I am looking forward to the change to some cool, crisp sunny weather when the winds switch to a northerly flow later on in the week
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