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Everything posted by Bobd29

  1. Good luck with that rjbw, though I hope you are wrong about the Christmas period - gales and rain don't do it for me in the festive period, perhaps we could move your early Jan prediction forward a week
  2. Agreed Steve, you are one of the most respected and read posters so any winter forecast offerings by you are much anticipated. No one would expect yours to be fundamentally different to NW 's but your slant and explanation has always been an enjoyable read, so for the sake of many who were looking forward to your 30th November statement I would urge you to reconsider....if not a full forecast how about a detailed synopsis? Go on Steve, it's what makes forums interesting....
  3. Steve I suspect your advance notice implies a degree of excitement, so along with others I await with interest. My only request would be that you revert to TNR or Aerial typeface as against the difficult to read one you currently favour.
  4. 5.9 for me please.Think it will only be mild for the first few days then progressively colder as HLB exerts it's influence, would not rule out a nice early snowy period last third of nov.
  5. Always value your input Frosty and you are not just a seasonal poster, don't be put off by those who do not have your unbiased knowledge or enthusiasm. For the record I agree with your synopsis, scandi trough moving allowing the AH to make a welcome return for the bank holiday, with luck it may stay well into September.....indian summer anyone?
  6. 7.8, not an exceptional month just coolish at times methinks (so bound to be a scorcher)
  7. Difficult question, probably change my mind depending upon when I answer but for now: 1) December, always, Can't beat Christmas and the anticipation, plus possibility of snow 2) June, live in hope for a long hot summer 3) April, true spring after a long, usually frustrating, winter 4) October, autumn colours with the prospects of a real winter on the horizon 5) May, spring with a hint of summer 6) November, anticipation of Christmas and winter snow 7) February, an if only month...but you never know September, perhaps an Indian summer 9) July, summer again 10) August, hopefully summer again 11) March, end of winter but usually not quite spring 12) January, the big anticlimax month unless it really snows, but usually not. Very subjective, and would probably change the order in a months time, but for now that' s it...
  8. Could make the top 5 by this time next week...unfortunately
  9. Echo that, good to see Dave posting with his enthusiasm. Sliding lp's are very difficult to pinpoint for position but in these circumstances they can deliver a la last January. Models will firm up in the next 48 hrs and I suspect MO will get their cold / snow vocabulary out of hibernation. ECM 12 may just show the initial lp midweek to be a little further west IMO which will make the secondary low very interesting indeed, as the saying goes...much to play for
  10. Gibby interprets the models as they are, no hopecasting or emotional input and as such is a very valued contributor to this forum. Sometimes the models do flip at even short timeframes and then he appears wrong but his report is NOT his forecast, more often than not his repoorting of the short term is spot on.....keep going Gibby
  11. ".....and I will have the other half with you! I am still optimistic that strat effects still to play out, hp to the east and a cold pool in place we have the ingredients for a blast from the past, 63 or 47 anyone (well maybe a little modified), keep smiling...
  12. Mmmmm Jan probably did not work out too well but I do think it would be very unusual not to have one decent cold spell by end of Feb so with a half average month and half cold month I am going for 3.1 please.
  13. Very much subject to regional variance and timing in the NH.....think back to last March, many places in the UK a lot colder than Jan or Feb, tho hemispheric ally you could be right
  14. Gorgeous day looking forward to a very frosty evening but before that will get the bike out for the first time in ages. Days like this or deep snow covered fields are winter delights....make the most of it
  15. February and well into March could turn out to be bitterly cold......then most would agree that although a late starter 2013/14 winter was very acceptable, strange how perceptions can change like the erm weather
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