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Everything posted by PolarWarsaw

  1. Why are snow fans bothered about updates such as this? Even in the most mild of winters there are still a couple of good snow events and as far as I'm concerned, the winter doesn't need to be constantly absolutely freezing, yet very dry to get that? Give me an above average winter with 2 or 3 72 hour cold snaps that give me a foot of snow in each. Save on your bills, but still have a couple of fun days. Perfect?
  2. Christ I can imagine the conversation some of you are having to your loved ones having read the last few pages of this thread.......'Oh no darling...1 model run said we aren't going to get a cat 5 storm on our shores now....it'l miss by half the continent of Europe.....the 18z....notoriously named the 'pub run' told me so...and it's now my new book of gospel....anything this model produces is a 100% certainty to occur......the entire metoffice staff should be sacked if every square mile of the warned zones don't receive 100mph gales Monday Morning....' bla bla bla Come on, it took hundreds of model runs to get us here - how did we know they were right? We didn't, we took an average or a 'medium' from them all. Nothing in life is certain, never mind the bloody weather! Get a grip of yourselves, storm is still on and if it isn't?! There's always a next time. PS - If this happens in winter, I'll be on the prozac.
  3. Can't decide if I can here Thunder in the distance? Can't see any lightning but the 'bangs' are too deep to be gusts of wind and there are no fireworks being let off in this wind.
  4. Why? Snow causes more problems than wind/rain ever could and yet you like myself and others pine for that in the winter. Surely some wild weather is better than endless days of mild boring drivel? If it's sunny it won't be warm enough to do much out doors and if it's cloudy it's boring. Precisely, extreme heat and cold/snow can cause more issues than something like wind/rain can do in my experience. Bring it on, heaviest of the winds here please. *If my internet connection goes down - there's hell to pay
  5. It seems Monday has taken all the attention, when in reality tommorrow looks a very wet day indeed. Mix that with showers over the weekend and Monday's low, then I think Flooding could be a larger threat than people have considered so far. Hopefully not.
  6. Personally, I hope it's as rough as sand paper to a smooth surface. The wilder, wetter and windier the better!
  7. Gut can be quite frankly, about as clear as the multi million pound model production at this stage. Does is state anywhere in here that you must provide factual back up to your every post? I don't think so, a forum is a community where opinions and feelings are exactly the main 'feature' most topics need. If that's an issue, the ignore button is your friend.
  8. My gut says it will sleep south and east of here, with the Benelux and N/E France taking the brunt of it. Moderate rain and a slight breeze here IMO.
  9. I prefer this to very dry bland weather that the likes of Gavin seem to enjoy so much. Dry, cloudy, dry and clear - not warm. Dull to the extreme. Anyway, heavy rain this morning - it lashed it down for a few hours and we are currently experiencing a longer shower that's been very heavy. Puddles already huge - reckon we could be in for a soggy week. Don't mind it at all to be honest, if it can't be cold and snowy let the weather be active!
  10. Rain has managed to avoid us either side, but the lightning has been excellent. Some really dark skies in the distance especially with the sun beaming through now. 5 or 6 shots of lightning and 2 fork bolts to our west not long ago.
  11. Very quiet on here tonight, it might be the coldies who are grim but the NW servers most certainly aren't!
  12. Personally, I prefer the night drawn in. It makes things feel much more cosy, the only downside is that social nightlife at the weekend dwindles slightly.
  13. I have no idea why people enjoy such extremes of weather, other than to say 'I was there when that happened' which clearly is an achievement of some sorts. I'm all for winter, but I love it for one reason - snow, not cold. Wouldn't people rather we had a winter minima of -5 but have 50 days of falling snow, than say 10 snow days but have it -10 in the middle of the day? Not only does it cause the industry and economy plenty of issues, but it puts people of all ages at risk of losing their life - never mind the copious amounts of social issues. The football season falls apart and you can't go out of an evening because people can't be bothered to move. It's completely the same in the summer - why do people want it to be 35c when 25c is plenty hot enough to sit in your garden, have a BBQ, drink beer, enjoy evenings out etc - it's just not neccessary and as I said causes more issues than it's worth. Personally, it can be a mild winter aslong as there are a couple of memorable snow events. Too hot and too cold are no fun.
  14. Thank god, the heat mentioned above just makes life hell. How could anyone physically want to spend the day and then night awake, not being able to move through sweat and over heating? I'd rather it be -30 than +30 - purely on the basis that it's a lot easier to be warm up when your cold than it is cool down when your hot.
  15. We need a few good sharp frosts to get rid of these bloody spiders, can't stand the things. Especially not late at night in a room on my own!
  16. Well tonight's charts look pleasant but oh so very boring, like most of the last 4 or 5 months bar a few days here and there. Enjoy it, we have 5 long months of fun coming soon! Bring on late night and early morning chart checking I say.
  17. I can confirm....that in a small village near Stafford....there's going to be cloud....wind.....rain.....storms.....snow.....sleet....sun....blue sky...... at some point....in the future.... Thanks. PW.
  18. I'd rather settle for cold and very snowy than very cold and dry. So that suits me.
  19. For all of those who love not being able to move through sweat or heat stroke during the summer, enjoy the end of this weekend. It's only 6 weeks now until the real snow search starts, for a good 4-5 months too. Is everybody ready for those mornings where the 0Z has 3 pages worth of comments at 5.30am? I sure am, just in time for the Ashes!
  20. I'm not a fan of 'boring cold' where it's -2c in the daytime and -15 at night for 2 weeks but not one single 'flake' of anything falls out the sky, so a mix please. A marginal winter where it's just on the cold side for snow most of the time and there's lots of frontal events. It would also be nice to get one of those lovely NE/E convective episodes, where it goes from beautiful sunshine to absolutely blizzarding chaos in 5 minutes and then reverse another 5 later. We haven't had convective over night snow showers for absolutely years!
  21. Very oppressive here at the moment, bit of a downpour not long passed through. Hopefully a sign of things to come.
  22. Not expecting much rain at all in the next 24 or so hours to be honest.
  23. I don't expect much rain at all in the West Midlands, it's all 50 miles east.
  24. Another perfect weather day. Enough sun to make it T-shirt weather, a nice breeze some cloud to keep it comfy. Best form of weather.
  25. Pretty much a perfect day today. Nice breeze, sunny spells and comfortable warmth.
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