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Blog Comments posted by Roo

  1. Sounds really nice, do they do B & B  ;)

    It did make me think actually about how much some people will be paying privately for exactly facilities such as these....and they're free!!!

    It is nice that things are getting nicer for women, I'm just hoping I'll be able to take advantage of it :)

  2. Chin up chicken....

    Hope the docs manage to get it all under control...methinks you need to take it easy ducks, and get plenty of rest and pampering (and don't whatever you do, worry about work: they will cope!!! :) This is one of those times, when you come first, and sod the rest!)

    Hope you're having a relaxing day at home. :)

  3. Funny isn't it?....for me I always wonder what life would've been like had I not gone to uni....

    Much that I'm glad that I did now, at the time, it scared the living daylights out of me.....going to somewhere like UCL I was surrounded by students who mainly had more money than sense, and who had that supreme confidence that can only come from a very expensive private education (I was state comp!).

    By term two I had an alcohol problem and depression as I desperately tried to fit in with all the 'hoorays' around me. I sometimes wonder if youngsters go to young to uni....having worked in a one for a bit, you kind of get to see how vulnerable the poor things can be, epsecially nowadays with the whole 'lifestyle to maintain on a pittance' thing....

    Ah well.....there's no such thing as a bad experience, eh? Hmmmmmm :rolleyes: :lol:

  4. Oh Katie...I'm sorry to hear you're having a bad time....

    I'll be keeping my fingers and toes crossed it all sorts itself out soon....

    You need to tell 'em all to bog off, and retire to a bath and then telly with a big bit of choccy tart and a glass of fizzy something non-alcoholic, but enough to look like it's an alcoholic drink.....

    Deep breaths.....it'll be all over soon.... :)

  5. Hiya! Glad to hear all is moving on witht he move: but I know what you mean about the hard sell from mortgage people....Colin at Nationwide spent ages trying to convince me and Mr Roo that we should have all number of different products: got very p'd off with it all.....specially as critical illness does not cover things like having only ONE arm or leg cut off (it has to be two) nor illnesses like MS.....

    Grrrrr :lol: :lol: :lol:

  6. Have nice black change bag with olive green lining (c/o mothercare) that Mr Roo decided was acceptable for him to carry too!!!

    And am going to attempt the reusable nappies to start with: am now practising my folds! Now where is my teddy?.............

    :lol: :lol: :lol:

  7. Thanks guys....am slowly working out how this all works...

    Yes, I love the idea of second hand stuff, and have managed to get a few bits and bobs that way! Have also got a big suitcase of stuff from mum's friend, and some other stuff from my bestest mate!.

    As for car seats, I am now au fait with ECE R44 and had the littel girl at Mothercare check it fitted our car (for anybody that doesn't know, Mothercare will check the car seat is right for your particular car model)...

    Changing chest of drawers arrived this morning, as did a job lot of bits and bobs: I love interenet shopping! :lol:

  8. :D Hiya Katie...

    Good to hear about the house...we've finally settled into ours and done almost everything........for now! :D

    Havent had a chance to try choccy tart yet what with the moving and stuff...but thanks for reminding me: will have a go this week! Yummmmmmyyyyyyy! :D

  9. Mr Loo is AWOL at present and is going to be AWOL a bit more soon.

    Need to sell the house and things will be a bit better. Good news though, someone is very interested and have 3 people interested in their house, so fingers crossed  ;)

    Oh dear! Not good timing eh? But I know what you mean...moving house mid-pregnancy is maybe not the best idea in the world....but here we are: testament to the fact that it can be done....

    Glad to hear it sounds as if you've got a 'bite' on the house....will be keeping my fingers and toes crossed (and have requested that mini-roo does the same: will teach him/her good co-ordination skills too....... :lol: )

  10. Awww Katie...I feel for you, love! Hopefully you'll be like me, and the achy time will finish soon as the uterus starts to lift up off your pelvis a bit....

    Hang in there ducks, and make sure you have a ready supply of choccy and stodgey cakes to see you throught the hard times....

    Ooooooooo and make sure Mr Loo is signed up as chief cook, bottlewasher, slave, skivvy, chocolate fetcher, etc, etc!

    Take care.... :)

  11. Sadly not a pair of chaffinches: two girlie ones who were giving the burly sparrow a run for his money...

    I also heard a couple of bullfinches earlier, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.... :D

    All I need now would be a couple of wrens, a green finch or two and perhaps a robin and I'll be totally made up... :lol: :lol: Ooooo and a goldcrest too...I love those little punky thugs... :blink: :lol:

    So nice to see the sparrow.....they are so uncommon nowadays, poor things...

  12. I think things might not have been as horrific and Messiah-ish as they first appeared.....

    Crabs actually moult their skin several times a year, and what you stood on/saw was probably discarded carapaces, rather than dead crabs....so the water was probably not putrid/infested/radioactive/toxic, etc, etc.....just a good place for crabs to moult....

    Goodness, I know some rubbish, don't I? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

  13. Ahhhhh Romney Marsh! I spent far too many months there, living in Littlestone and working all over the Marsh looking at Medieval things......

    Lovely in summer, but the bleakest, coldest, wettest, most horizontal-biting-wind-inside-your-waterproofs place in the winter.....brrrrrrrrrr!

  14. Try to keep going snow raven....I'm not one of these gung-ho, 'mustn't be afraid fight them on the beaches' types at all....I think fear under the current situation is entirely probable....

    However, what I would say is this: Statistically you are far, far more likely to be hit by a car, to get poisoned by your lunch or run over by a rickshaw in soho!!!

    Not exactly reassuring I know, but actually think about the figures.....in both attacks there have only been 57 people killed and a few hundred injured: that is out of a London daily population of 5 million!

    The chances of anything happening are slight....

    Also don't forget that the last bombs did not go off, the bomb material was crap...this would suggest that they have not got anything left to fight with and that the worst is over.....

    Have you thought about getting up early and going in then? That's what I do as it means the trains are very quiet and I can see exactly what is going on around me, without having to put up with the stress inducing panic of a crowded train....

    If it doesn't get better within a weeks or two maybe it would be worth a trip to the doc, to see if he can suggest something, either medical or talking, which might help smooth the sharp corners a little bit....

    But really, really try not to worry....humans are a resilient bunch and tend to get back to normal once the immediate panic is over. :)

  15. OMG Finding Neverland made me bawl my eyes out....great film (specially the little lad in it....he's also in charlie and the chocolate factory) and Johnny D was superb, as ever....

    But oh dear! definitely not a film for me and my hormones! :blink:

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