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Everything posted by StormChaseUK

  1. Cardiff got to 27C so I think the Max for London tomorrow will be 32C, 33C tops.
  2. Cardiff will be a good marker today. If Cardiff can hit 30C then I see now reason London cant hit 34-35C tomorrow.
  3. If the cold front is delayed then hopefully the warmer temperatures should hold on longer I presume throughout Saturday
  4. Very sharp constrast in the West Midlands, 13C/31C within 100 mile range or so. Would be surprised if nothing went bang Saturday afternoon
  5. If it wasnt for that green rubbish we would be having an amazing 2018 style July. Shame Iceland cant just explode with Volcanic ash and heat up the atmosphere enough to make the Green crap go away. Joking aside that is a pretty good outlook , few minor changes could see what we have all hoped for.
  6. Crumbs is that the cold front that is meant to move through Saturday out to west of Ireland? It is spawning MCS's at the moment.
  7. Fair amount out there in the SW approaches, shame Again shows how close we were to achieving great plume of heat and storms.
  8. The GFS surface temps are spot on today, 20C here. Sheltered from NE wind it was 23, 24C in the town. So if you are in sheltered location you can add, 2C or 3C to the GFS temp I think for tomorrow.
  9. If I didn't get that storm on Tuesday in Shropshire I would be throwing my laptop out of the window by now lol
  10. Saturday requires a surface temp of 43C to trigger off any storms so unlikely.
  11. Agreed excellent post. One of the best I have read on model output discussion. A lot of people were dismissing the NE impact yesterday "it's 22C in my back garden so it can't be 8C where you are" nonesense. Good to see an explanation at last of why it was so cold. Met Office should explain info like that above. Just shows how close we were to breaking records if the plume made it in.
  12. Warmest place in UK currently 25C Cornwall France 40C - South.
  13. That would be an awful turn of events if the rest of the summer was like May/June - I doubt we would be unlucky to have May - August
  14. Plume finally arrives on Saturday then ends er.. Saturday. Outlook warmer for a time away from NE coasts, then turning cooler from the NE Heat still clinging onto France.
  15. 18z looks like a warmer plume for UK than the poor attempt we had this week. 6/7 look good!
  16. 5C under uppers of 15-20C. Was watching Gavweathervideo and Met Office youtube channels earlier and even they were stunned by what is going on with the surface/uppers temps. Check them out, they are perplexed!
  17. About 20c off here . Pretty close I will give them credit lol. Back home now 14c still cloudy chilly and yes I was high up the marches , so wind chill was factor. Although no excuse for June I had 20c on same hill in Feb. The surface temp matches the upper temp today - seem quite close looking at this.
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