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Everything posted by geordiekev

  1. Trying to think which very memorable year had this similar set up with a Euro low out on it's own constantly dragging in cold & disturbances. Yeah, this is way earlier than the year in Q I believe. Anyone got the dates? 47 or 63
  2. Good Friday vibes for so early in the season, seeing a disorganised PV, Euro LP & Atlantic HP. What's not to like, ofcourse there'll be variants of the theme
  3. Light snow just starting & forecast for next 4hrs. Hoping to get break in clouds later so I can hopefully catch the aurora again. Never thought I would be wishing snow clouds to do one
  4. Perfect timing for my Birthday gamble this year to visit Scotland instead of a more obvious snowy location, (Scotland 850s 5⁰ colder than Iceland) though will have to find some elevation me thinks. Weather Gods certainly not ready to adjust their BST hourglasses yet but think I need to start doing the lottery
  5. Quite a switcheroo showing in the 850s come next weekend, from where we are & into the final week of March. Quite timely that snow is forecast in my parts, just as British Summer time begins. Have to admit was nice to feel a bit of Sun on the face earlier today & whilst we can't wish a forecast into existence, it would be nice to start repairing the lawn, think a E/NE flow into & through April will keep things cool for a while yet especially in the East
  6. Suspect a colder night ahead than originally forecast given the surprise snowfall & crystal clear skies. Will it make a difference to tomorrows snow chances for higher ground?
  7. Yes, took me by surprise as don't think many forecasts showed any snow & even the radar showed sleet. Obviously that marginal, thick & sticky type & agree definitely the fall of the season. Looking across Derwent Valley & the snow line quite low too
  8. The spiral effect seems to be an almost constant feature I've noticed this Winter, with jet stream far South in Africa & all around the globe until it reaches Atlantic. I'm taking a stab in the dark this is normal & linked to AAM etc & to be non technical the plughole effect
  9. Not much stopping an almost cross polar flow, although we know it's eye candy for now
  10. Still snowing, so a lot longer than the 2hrs expected. Was mostly the glitter like stuff interspersed with the thicker marginal flakes, so back up to wait for it, 1cm
  11. The radar clearly showing the 850s warming up quite quickly as the warm front moves East. Good luck to those in the favoured spots
  12. Yeah, think I'm only forecast about 2hrs worth just East of N Pennines, before the rain follows then ice threat
  13. Yeah GFS been flipping between Greeny & Scandy heights towards back end. Defo seen worse, period around the 20th I guess is the crunch point
  14. Let's see how accurate the next yellow warning is, though suspect main concern may be for ice as the snow/rain pulls away
  15. Wavelength increases, thus less amplification [2] & return to flat upstream pattern, ergo zonality, although a few periods of interest before then [3]
  16. Scottish ski industry will be happy with look ahead for rest of March
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