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Everything posted by Kiwi

  1. Currently 4.3c here in North Hampshire. We pick up a lot more frost here than other nearby towns/villages so I have high hopes tonight.
  2. Calm down dear .....one of you is based in the NE of England and the other in the SW ...perhaps thats the reason you have different recollections of last winter
  3. and aren't we also meant to be worried about bits dropping off islands, with the resulting wave taking out the east coast of the US?
  4. Not sure that we should be throwing stones. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/topics/weather/8519064/Hot-dry-summer-in-store-say-forecasters.html
  5. Central heating not on yet ....but I might throw a few logs in the woodburner to bring a warm glow to the lounge this evening. Does that count?
  6. Aquila ...back in 2009 Why ?? I'm going to the Appenines in two weeks. Should I be worried??
  7. December +2.0 January +1.5 February +3.5 December and January to bring us some decent cold weather....and some special snowfall coming from a few channel lows
  8. Apparently "variations in atmospheric conditions, such as wind patterns, due to other climatic changes were the most likely explanation"
  9. Reading today in October edition of Geographical Magazine that sea ice cover in the Arctic may stabilise or even expand over the next few decades. This is based on computer modelling undertaken by the US National Center for Atmospheric research.
  10. Great photos MeteoMadrid. Thanks. Still looking nice and green despite the dry weather. Any chance of you getting up into the Sierra de Guadarrama to take some photos this winter?
  11. Nothing more satisfying than when I spy a broken branch lying on the verge of one of the lanes around here. I screech to a halt, whip out my trusty saw, and leave with my plunder feeling very pleased with myself.
  12. Nice shot ......but I'm concerned by the black hole....are we doomed?
  13. Bad news folks ....seems that Happy Feet may have been eaten http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/australiaandthepacific/newzealand/8756767/New-Zealand-penguin-Happy-Feet-may-have-been-eaten.html
  14. You shouldn't complain Mullender ....just 25mph here! (likely to be windier in my bathroom than it is in my garden)
  15. It doesn't take much! Please remember we're a soft lot down here in the south .....not like you northern roughy toughies.
  16. Well, he's getting closer to antartica every day but at this rate he won't be home for Christmas! http://www.ourfarsouth.org/Track-Happy-Feet.aspx
  17. They're clearly made for each other ....just j,k apart
  18. And we can follow him at http://www.nzemperor.com/ Off to watch Mr Poppers penguins this morning with the kids.
  19. Thanks for this. Whitchuch and Overton, both in N Hampshire are showing 62mm and 50mm respectively for today. No need for a weather warning then! http://www.whitchurc...r.co.uk/muppet/ http://overtonweathe...rtonweather.htm
  20. And how much do we pay to keep the Met Office going?? Chocolate teapots come to mind ......just about as useful as... Still yakking down here .....I've even got a small amount of water coming in around my wood burner flue, and that has never happened before! (Best I sort out my flashing before the winter)
  21. Rain seems to be coming up the nw side of the M3 corridor. Very wet here between Basingstoke/Reading/Newbury
  22. Biblical deluge just started here. My 3 boys are bored with being shut up indoors. Perhaps they should do something useful like build an ark!
  23. I thought that many types of eucalyptus, even saplings, were fine with low temps. http://www.blueram.net/eucalyptus/indepthguide/hardiness.asp
  24. Looking at the radar there seems to be a fair bit of rain around Newcastle. Anyone in that neck of the woods? Is it a biblical deluge or just a typical damp day in geordie-land?
  25. Slightly off target I know ....but is the channel tunnel built to withstand quakes??
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